Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Young Love

...I am so not ready to deal with this

An absolutely terrifying thing has been happening in my house lately. I knew it would happen eventually, but I never expected it to happen when my kids were still in elementary school. My boys have been talking a lot about a strange and murky topic: girls. For the longest time I was the only “girl” in their lives. I am the lone female in a house with one man, two boys, and two male cats. As my friend Sara says, “I’m an island of estrogen in a sea of testosterone”.
With Valentine’s Day almost upon us, my dear sweet eight-year-old boy has been weighing his options about how and if to tell his sweetheart how he feels. Frankly, I’m damned if I know what to tell him. When I was eight, girls noticed boys and boys ignored girls in favor of collecting bugs, playing baseball and making fart jokes. Apparently the little guys are more sophisticated these days, so he’s been trying to figure out how to give her a Valentine without the entire third grade noticing. Owen only sees Melanie* at outdoor recess—which they haven’t had in ages thanks to Snowapalooza 2011.
He’s also very confused about the feelings he’s having. He keeps asking, “I don’t know why I like her. Is it because she’s pretty? She’s a good person too—she was citizen of the month.” I’ve tried to explain that there isn’t always an explanation as to why we’re attracted to a particular person. It’s just something that happens. This is not a useful explanation to give a kid as analytical as Owen. He is a boy in search of concrete, scientific data—and as adults we know that in matters of the heart, there is no such thing. I only hope that being a “citizen of the month” means that Melanie does not laugh at my little guy if he works up the courage to give her that valentine.
I think a lot of this mushy-lovey stuff has come up lately because of my younger son, who seems to be something of a “chick magnet”. Before he reached the first grade two separate girls had already informed him that they intend to marry him. Now it seems that at the tender age of six he has a girlfriend. Here’s a conversation my husband overheard the two boys having last week:

Owen: James, do you have a girlfriend?
James: Yeah.
Owen: Who is it?
James: Annie*
Owen: How do you know she’s your girlfriend?
James: Because she told me.

            Girlfriends? I’m not ready for this. Aren’t girls still supposed to be icky? I thought all the questions that Owen had when he was preparing for First Communion were hard to answer. Theology is a piece of cake by comparison! Last week Owen told me that a classmate of his kissed a girl on the bus. I said, “But you’re only in third grade!”
            “It was last year. In second grade,” he reported.
            “Oh my God!”
            “You’re not supposed to say that.”
            “Trust me honey, God totally understands why I said it.”

*Names have been changed to protect the adorable


  1. This is the cutest thing I have ever read. This is one of my favorite posts!! Your boys are adorable.

  2. My ex-husband started dating when he was 4 and was single for the first time after our divorce.

    No, I'm not kidding.

  3. Loved the post. (and not just because of the quote lol) My twins and I had a very similar conversation the other day. William's dilemma is that his sweetie is in Jack's class. Both boys are giving valentines to their whole class. So Jack offered to slip the "extra special" valentine to Willie's girl. We shall see how it all plays out. Great post Vic!

  4. That's pretty funny. I've been lucky. I haven't had to deal with that until now. And you are a much better parent than I. My lost blog post proves that since I'm handling this WAY differently. But I'm your opposite I guess. I'm the lone male in the house with 4 women. Oh, well... We islands must stick together no matter what kind of sea we are swimming in, I guess.

  5. that is too cute!! I have two boys as well, mine are younger but when my 4 year old walks into is preschool class, there are a couple little girls that get soooo excited to see him, they are all giggly. I want body slam them, lol

  6. OMG is right! I have an 8 year old boy, and so far no girl talk here, but I'm sure it's coming. I do have two girls who are 14 and 12, I shudder to think of the future...:)

  7. He's only 8?? That seems so young for this!

    My nephew (age 5) told his dad, "Mom's going to be my Valentine, Dad. You'll have to find another girl."

    I wish they could stay young and innocent forever.
