Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Write On Edge: 100 Words

This week's assignment comes from the wonderful writer Galit Breen from These Little Waves. Her challenge for us was to conjure something: An object, a person, a feeling, a color, a season- whatever you like using no more than one hundred words. I managed to use exactly one hundred words to conjure a morning in our house. I bet it's a lot like a morning in your house.

100 Words from Mom

            6:35 am
Tiny feet pound down the hallway to the bathroom.

I close my laptop and finish my coffee in one swallow.

            Cinnamon Life cereal or scrambled eggs?

            Do you have gym today?

            Is your homework in your backpack?

            Brush your teeth.

            Your shirt is on backwards.

            Where is your saxophone?

            Tie your shoes.

            I don’t know where your jacket is.

            Fundraiser? What Fundraiser?

            Go use the bathroom before we leave… just try!

            Please lift the seat!

            What? Go back in and get it!

            I love you. Have a great day. See you this afternoon.

            Hugs and kisses.

            8:25 am


  1. I only have a preschooler, and it's still crazy getting her out of the house. I can't imagine when both of them are in "real" school. I will need a nap when they leave!

  2. I'm curious . . . would the concluding word be "bliss" or "too-quiet"?

  3. I remember those rushed mornings. Looking back, they were the best days of my life.

  4. This is my morning every day! The only differnece for me is that it comes in waves. The first one gets up at 5:45am and the second one doesn't get up until 7:30am but everyone is gone by 8:40am. I loved this: "Go use the bathroom before we leave… just try!"

  5. Not my house yet, Felix is too little. But it certainly reminds me of growing up!

  6. Scrambled eggs?? That's a morning option? I'm ashamed of myself. This morning was microwave pancakes. Very funny. My fave was "Fundraiser? What fundraiser?" Thanks for commenting on my post today, too.

  7. Mornings are a little frantic around here, too!
