Thursday, June 21, 2012

You Know You're a Mom When...

1.) Luxury is a shower where no one walks in.

2.) The last time you had a headache you had to take six chewable Tylenol because you couldn’t find the grown up medicine.

3.) Your idea of a nice restaurant means there is no drive thru.

4.) You’ve broken half a dozen rules about parenting you set for yourself before you actually had children. Most of them involve food or television.

5.) The term “dry clean only” either makes you laugh or cry.

6.) In your very large purse you can’t find a lipstick or a pen. But you do have Band-Aids, coloring books, a yo-yo, wet wipes, juice boxes, and at least a half a pound of loose Goldfish and Teddy Grahams

7.) The last movie you saw in a theatre featured aliens, princesses, mutants, superheroes, or anthropomorphized rodents.

8.) You’ve tried to write a check with an orange crayon because it was the only writing utensil you could find.

9.) You feel like something’s wrong on the rare occasion you look in the rearview mirror and no one is in the back seat.

10.) Finally, you know you’re a mom when you’ve made some truly unflattering choices for the love of your kids…

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. Ohmygoodness love -and can relate to- every single word!

  2. I"m at the phase where luxury is a shower no one shares with you from a bouncy sweet. I fear mobility!


  3. Those are all sooo true...except for the last one....I think you look adorable! LOL!

  4. So, so true. Oh, yes. It's been a long time, but I remember well.

    Yours is one of a handful of blogs I read religiously. Lurky lurky. :-) I thought it was time to tell you I'm stalking giving you more chores! Yes! Please stop around and pick up your Inspirational Blogger award!

  5. Well now that's just perfect - I agree with every one and laughed the whole time!

  6. Stop! You are in my head! Get out! Love this, but 1 through 10 are my favorite!

  7. Haha! A restaurant where they don't have chicken nuggets or mac'n' cheese on the kids menu would be a luxury!

  8. My fave is #4. I'm guilty of that. (I sometimes hate 22 year old me...she thought she knew it all. She was really just a big, fat stupidhead. :) ) And yes, it IS weird to be driving by yourself!

  9. Yes to all of them! I KNEW I was a real mom. You just validated me. Haha. Love this list.

  10. Haha - this is SO good and true! I dream of designing a big purse/diaper bag with lots of pockets so you can actually have a chance of finding your own stuff among all the kids snacks, toys, etc. Awesome list!

  11. I'm a dad but I shook my head, pumped my fist, screamed "yeah" and laughed along with each line.

    The song is about a woman who's unsatisfied with her life but is trying to find comfort in the greyness.

    You interpretated this perfectly.

    Great 100

  12. This was really good. And I don't see any problems with the pic. Maybe you picked the wrong one.

  13. Thanks for scaring me before my first one is born this summer! Just kidding - I loved every line and can relate to a number of them already. Great job!
