Monday, July 2, 2012

In Which I Get Angry and Political

            I was away all last week with my family on vacation. Today’s blog post was supposed to be a wrap up of the wonderful time we had. But that will have to wait. A former classmate posted something that happened to a member of my college family on Facebook last week that got my blood boiling. I don’t like to discuss religion or politics. It’s something I rarely do I real life and do even less frequently on this blog. But once in a while I feel like I need to stand up and say how I feel. This is what made me so angry:

            This was printed by the Washington DC group who calls themselves "Public Advocate of the United States" and was mailed out across Colorado to attack Sen. Jean White, a supporter of civil unions. What makes the particularly despicable is that it is the actual engagement photograph of a couple from New York City. The original looks like this:

Image if your personal photograph commemorating one of your most precious memories was distorted and used as a weapon to limit someone’s right to marry the person they love. I understand that there are folks out there that believe that gay marriage is wrong. To those people I say, don’t marry someone of the same sex, don’t go to a church that performs same-sex weddings, and if you get invited to a same sex wedding don’t go. But do not stand in the way of your fellow tax paying citizens having the same rights you take for granted.
            I am straight. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a Christian. I am a patriot. I support same sex marriage. Bigotry and hatred are not family values.


  1. Damn straight. Or gay. Don't care. :)

  2. I love that more people are speaking out in favor of gay rights in general, and gay marriage specifically. I am also a straight, married woman, but I agree that others should make the choices they want for their lives. Maybe through each of us speaking out against those that spread hate we can make a difference.

  3. The same issue is up for a constitutional amendment here in MN this fall as well. I keep looking at it from the point of view - how does it hurt? If you don't like it, don't do it. Let others live the way they choose. Don't bring politics and government into something that it has no business being in.

    1. Agreed! It makes me crazy when I hear people say things like, "It cheapens the institution of marriage". Really? What about straight celebrities and their drive-by marriages? I don't hear any constitutional amendments being proposed about that. It's bigotry--pure and simple.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Joe! But, ugh! Last job in the world I'd want :-)

  5. Good for you. Great post.
